Monday, August 22, 2011


We had a definite fishing fail this weekend.

We took a trip to Utah Lake (and sweated in the heat for roughly 2 hours) just to watch some fish jump 5 inches from our poles. Such a tease.
I gave up pretty fast and spread Mexican Blanket (Brian's smelly blanket from Mexico that has a permanent home in the back of the car) out on the sand to do some reading which I did enjoy.

Not only did the fishing fail but so did our picnic dinner. The miracle whip was to warm for me to eat by the time we got there so I had to throw my sandwich in the lake when Brian wasn't looking (except it floated back to the shore :/). I had munchies for dinner instead.

Finally after we sweated a little too much Brian said we could go home!

Here are some fishless pictures:


Brian scammed out of this "funny" pic right at the last second. mean.

Stay're in for a real treat later this week!

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