Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So I have noticed that I'm not so great at this blogging business...but thats ok cause only like 3 people read it:) But here's whats been going on lately!

Took bridals (with Brian) last weekend and we get them back today YAY!

We have been painting...ALOT! We got the kitchen done and we're almost finished with the living room! (still have 3 bedrooms 2 bathroom and a hallway to do :/)

I started a new job today...working at Risk Management part time (another campus job) with my sister-in-law to be and my fiance! It's great:)

And finally...we are getting married in 10 DAYS! :D :D :D

Here's a cute picture of Brian....He made the best pancakes ever:D (the kitchen is a mess and unpainted so don't look at it)

Oh and a shout out to my brother Bo who graduated from Drake University last weekend! Woo Hoo :)


  1. Hey, cute blog! Val said she had a great time photographing you guys and that you are one gorgeous bride! We have a blog too it's I am not always that great at posting but I can promise cute pics when I do. Good luck with all the wedding prep and hanging in there for the final count down!

  2. I love your blog Chelsea! Question: What are "bridals"?

  3. pictures before the actual wedding:)
